Sip on This: The Facts on Valencia vs Navel Oranges for Juice

What type of orange variety should you use for the perfect glass of delicious orange juice? We lay out the facts on Valencia vs Navel oranges for juice here!

Did you know that 85% of all oranges produced are used to make orange juice?

This statistic isn't as surprising if you think about how orange juice is a favorite worldwide; a lot needs to be produced to keep everyone happy.

Some of the best orange juice though is the kind we squeeze on our own at home with fresh oranges. But what kind of oranges do the best orange juice recipes use?

We are here to settle the debate of Valencia vs Navel oranges for juice once and for all. Read on to learn the verdict.

How They Look

Valencia oranges tend to be between 2.7 and three inches in size. They are bright orange, and their rinds are thin, which sometimes makes them hard to peel.

Navel oranges are larger than Valencia oranges, averaging at about three inches in size. They are dark orange and have thick rinds that are loosely attached to the orange, making them easy to peel. They have a characteristic navel-shaped design on the end of the orange that is opposite the stem.

How They Taste

Valencia oranges produce a lot of sweet yet tart juice. Thus, a Valencia orange is probably the best orange to juice because you can get a lot out of it. Valencia orange juice has a rich and traditional orange juice flavor. 

Navel oranges are sweeter than Valencia oranges, so Navel orange juice would be a winner for anyone with a sweet tooth. These oranges are also delicious to eat on their own as a snack. 

When They Are in Season

Valencia oranges are in their prime in the summer. You can buy delicious and ripe ones between March and October. The timing is perfect for preparing a cold and refreshing glass of orange juice when it's hot outside.

Navel oranges ripen most in the colder months. You can enjoy them between November and June, but they are in their prime between January and May.

The Juice Verdict

Overall, in the Valencia vs navel oranges for juice battle, Valencia oranges win when it comes to making juice because they are naturally juicier than navel oranges.

In addition, while navel orange juice becomes sour fast, Valencia orange juice will last for a number of days when it is refrigerated. It won't lose its delicious taste either. 

However, if you are craving fresh orange juice in the middle of winter, your best bet is to squeeze some Navel oranges, which are in season during the colder months. Just make sure to drink it right away so it doesn't have a chance to become bitter. 

The Lowdown on Valencia vs Navel Oranges for Juice

Oranges are a sweet and refreshing treat for any time of year. When it comes to Valencia vs Navel oranges for juice though, you'll probably want to go with the juicy Valencia oranges to get the most bang for your buck. If you want an orange-y snack, go for a Navel orange. 

Try our seasonal citrus box while its available...the Craft Citrus Club!

Our Rio box is a 15-lb curated box of our fresh-harvested citrus from South Texas. The fruit is NOT gassed, rather it is tree-ripened. Our season runs from Nov-May for oranges, grapefruit and mandarins.

Our Grande box is a 30-lb box of either fresh-harvested Rio Red Grapefruit or Sweet Oranges from South Texas.

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