Valencia vs Navel Oranges: What's the Difference?

When it comes to Valencia vs Navel oranges, what's the difference? Find out how these orange citrus fruits differ in appearance, growing season, and taste here!

If you're like 90% of Americans, you probably aren't getting the amount of fruit that you need to thrive. That's a huge shame! Not only does fruit provide your body with vitamins and minerals that keep it strong and healthy, but fruit is a delicious and filling snack that you can eat just about anywhere.

There's nothing quite like an orange to brighten your day, but should you get Valencia or Navel oranges on your next grocery store trip? That's what we're going to talk about today! Read on to learn the key difference between the main two types of oranges so that you can decide which is best for your needs.

What Are Valencia Oranges?

Valencia oranges are small, tangy fruits that are grown in summer. These oranges, grown in tropical climates, are named after an area of Spain known as Valencia. This is because of the region's growth of many sweet summer fruits.

Valencia oranges are extremely juicy. They're in season between March and June, so you can chow down on them right before your Navel oranges ripen.

How Are Navel Oranges Different?

Navel oranges are seedless fruits that grow in the same regions that Valencia oranges do. In the US, this means that they primarily grow in California and Florida. They get their name from the fact that they have a small navel-like button where they were once attached to the branches of the tree they grew on. These oranges are in season from November through June, so that's when they're at their ripest.

This variety differs from Valencia oranges in flavor and appearance. While Valencia oranges have a bit of bitter tang mixed in with their sweetness, Navel oranges are simply quite sweet. They also don't contain any seeds. Generally, Navel oranges are what you commonly would buy at a farmer's market or grocery store.

Valencia vs Navel Oranges: Which Is Right for You?

Neither Valencia nor Navel oranges are inherently better than the other. The option that you purchase should 100% depend on what you're using the orange for. If you're just buying some fruit to eat as a healthy and delicious snack, then both of these oranges are awesome choices. Choose Navel oranges if you like something sweeter and Valencia oranges if you want something more tangy than sweet.

Navel oranges are the best option when you're making a summer salad. They're also better for parents who want to give their kids something to chow down on because they don't have any seeds that could cause a choking hazard.

On the other hand, Valencia oranges are the only good choice for juicing. The oranges themselves contain more fluid, which gives you the best bang for your buck when making juice. Also, juice made from Navel oranges turns bitter within half an hour. Valencia orange juice will last for days in the fridge and stay sweet and delicious.

Chow Down on Delicious Fruit

Now that you know about two main types of oranges and how to choose between them, it's time to get cracking. We're excited to share the delicious sweet tang of our favorite citrus fruits with you and your family!

Try our seasonal citrus box while its available...the Craft Citrus Club!

Our Rio box is a 15-lb curated box of our fresh-harvested citrus from South Texas. The fruit is NOT gassed, rather it is tree-ripened. Our season runs from Nov-May for  oranges, grapefruit and mandarins.

Our Grande box is a 30-lb box of either fresh-harvested Rio Red Grapefruit or Sweet Oranges from South Texas.

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