Get your own box of sweet little Mandarins

What are mandarins and are they good for you? Check out this guide to mandarin orange nutrition and learn all about the benefits of this delicious citrus fruit!

Mandarins oranges are a sweet and tangy fruit in the orange family. They are a popular treat because they're juicy, delicious, their skin is peeled easily and many are seedless. They taste good atop salads, baked in desserts, blended in drinks, or as a simple snack!

But are mandarins good for you? Keep reading below to learn more about mandarin nutrition and the wonderful qualities of this palm-sized delight.

What Are Mandarins?

Mandarins are similar to other citrus fruits, such as tangerines, clementines, and oranges. Some of the primary factors that differentiate mandarins from other orange types are size, taste, and the color and texture of the peel. 

Tangerines, as well as clementines, are part of the mandarin family. The skin of tangerines tends to be darker (leaning toward a reddish color) than mandarins. The names are often used interchangeably despite the color differences. 

Clementines are the smallest variety in the mandarin family. They contain no seeds and tend to be popular with children. 

Mandarin Nutrition 

Citrus is known for its substantial levels of Vitamin C. Oranges have been a popular choice throughout history to ward off the terrible symptoms of scurvy or chronic Vitamin C deficiency. This vitamin is needed for immune health, the formation of collagen, absorbing iron, and wound healing. 

The nutritional profile of mandarins is quite extensive.

A medium mandarin (88 grams) contains approximately 47 calories, 599iu of Vitamin A (12% recommended daily intake), 23.5mg of Vitamin C (39% recommended daily intake), and 3.5g of fiber (14% recommended daily intake). 

Vitamin A is important for optical health and preventing nyctalopia, also known as night blindness. Deficiency in Vitamin A may cause dry skin and eyes, difficulty becoming pregnant, and stunted growth in children.

The fiber in one medium mandarin covers 14% of your recommended daily intake. Fiber is essential for a healthy diet: it helps digestive health, may lower cholesterol, reduce blood sugar spikes, and lower your risk of heart disease. 

How else do mandarins benefit your health

Antioxidant Power 

Mandarins have antioxidant compounds that help your body fight off free radicals. Free radicals overwhelm your body and cause oxidation, potentially leading to diseases like heart disease and cancer. 

Weight Management 

Considering the fiber content and calorie count of mandarins, they make a great snack for a diet. Fiber helps you feel satiated and feel full for longer. If you are managing your weight, keep some mandarins around. 

Using Mandarins 

Mandarins are a nice snack on their own, but they also add a sweet kick to desserts and dishes. The light taste makes them a popular component of many delicious mandarin orange recipes, like mandarin orange curd and mandarin orange ambrosia pudding. 

Are Mandarins Good for You? Yes! 

We hope you've enjoyed this article on mandarin nutrition. These small citrus fruits are an excellent and healthy addition to your fruit bowl, meals, and maybe even your backyard! 

Check out more of our citrus blog for citrus recipes, health facts, tree growing tips, and how to start today!

Try our seasonal citrus box while its available...the Craft Citrus Club!

Our Rio box is a 15-lb curated box of our fresh-harvested citrus from South Texas. The fruit is NOT gassed, rather it is tree-ripened. Our season runs from Nov-May for  oranges, grapefruit and mandarins.

Our Grande box is a 30-lb box of either fresh-harvested Rio Red Grapefruit or Sweet Oranges from South Texas.

If you want to try out our fresh-harvested Clementine Tangerine Box from South Texas, click here!


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