Kaffir Limes and Their Magical Healing Properties

Among the many health benefits offered by kaffir limes, some of the most magical healing properties are found in the rind and leaves used for medicinal purposes. Check out the benefits below!

Wellness gurus have long been advising us to start the day with a cup of lemon water. This is because of the varied health properties found in the rind of the citrus fruit. Citrus fruits have long been used for their many health benefits, as well as varied flavors.

There’s now a new kid on the citrus health scene. The kaffir lime (Citrus hystrix) originates in Asia—in particular, the Philippines, Indonesia, and Thailand. It’s a staple in many Asian cuisines as the kaffir lime leaves and rind are very potent.

Here are more health benefits of kaffir lime leaves to know about. 

This potency is due to highly concentrated compounds—alkaloids, limonene, citronella, and nerol. As well as being very flavorful in kaffir lime recipes, these qualities are also popular for their varied health benefits. So how could you benefit from using kaffir limes? Read on to find out more!

Kaffir Limes and Oral Health

One of the most popular uses for kaffir limes is for oral sanitation. Rubbing kaffir lime leaves onto the gums can eradicate bad bacteria. Oil from kaffir limes can also be used in products like toothpaste and mouthwash to further promote oral health. 

It’s important to note you should always use the fruit extracts diluted, due to they're potency.

Digestive Wellbeing

For the same reason that many of us drink lemon water first thing in the morning, kaffir limes are great for digestion. They offer a similar compound to those in popular digestive herbs like lemongrass. These are both stimulating and anti-inflammatory for the gut.

Ailments like constipation, ulcers, and hemorrhoids can also be treated with this miracle fruit. 

Avoid Bug Bites!

In the countries in which kaffir limes originated from, certain insect bites can cause fatal diseases. Fortunately, nature has provided the answer! The high concentration of citronella and limonene in the plant is an insect repellent.

Applying a lotion or balm containing kaffir lime to the skin can prevent bug bites, saving you from itchy bites and potentially something more serious.

Reduce Inflammation

As mentioned above, the unique composition of kaffir limes makes them highly anti-inflammatory. Conditions like gout, arthritis, and migraines can all be soothed with a kaffir lime remedy.

Consuming diluted juice can ease discomfort. You can also apply oil or leaves directly to the painful area. 

Soothe Your Stress

Essential oils made from the kaffir lime peel are often used in aromatherapy. Inhaling the aromas can ease stress and anxiety. High cortisol levels can be suppressed by the vapors, preventing the symptoms of stress and anxiety from manifesting.

A Natural Glow

Kaffir limes have high antioxidant properties. This is useful for countering the oxidants in our environment, such as UV damage and smoking. As a result, anti-aging products often contain kaffir lime extract in order to preserve the condition of the skin.

Your Own Supply

Interested in delicious fresh boxes of citrus fruits straight from our grove? Check out our new citrus fruit subscription plans today to start enjoying the ripest seasonal citrus varieties!

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